The ladies and I got to the theater in plenty of time, some of us thinking the place would be jammed packed with stiletto's and 'vintage Valentino,' whatever that means. Maybe this was my first mistake, I do not know enough about fashion to have fully understood the film? Anyways, the perfect seats were taken, right smack in the middle. Too bad it wasn't for a film like 'Robin Hood' or 'Eclipse.'
The film begins two years after the first film. Rundown- Carrie is married to Mr. Big and finding marriage can get a little boring, and she still dresses funky, and who the hell is the hair 'artist' on this set? The red head, BTW- my second mistake may be that I don't know the characters that well. So, the red head is a woman trying to make it in a mans world, with her new boss the #1 wall in her way. Samantha is old and is desperately trying to make us believe every man in the world still wants to have sex with her. And the Brunette wanted children, has them, then discovers it's more work than she expected. I can honestly say that the one positive comment I have to say about the film, and I mean one, is that I could relate a little to each of these women. But I had to really search through all the big hair- over-the-top-wardrobe changing-male organ-sand dunes to find it.
Carrie is finding that married life isn't always 'sparkles', and what married woman hasn't realized that. Then at the part of the film where the Director must have realized this horrible story has gone on too long, he then tries to cram everything into an ending, where Carrie comes to the conclusion that it is ok to lay on the couch and watch TV on a work night.
I enjoyed the red heads story. I would have liked to have seen more about this story. One of the films problems was that they tried to give the audience so much that we got too little of everything.
I could absolutely relate to the brunette when she finally had a breakdown about her children. No shit they are a lot of work, favorite line "I don't know how people without help do it!?" I wanted to slap her, life must be so hard for her, a stay at home mom, with a nanny, in a gorgeous home wearing Vintage whatever, baking cupcakes, ironing the wrinkled 100$ bills. Pick your screaming baby up and cuddle her for crying out loud.
Oh, and Samantha. I have to say that creeping up to my 30's I have days where I long to be 21-22 again. When my breast were still 'up', my butt a little firmer, and I could eat donuts all day and not gain a pound. So, I could relate to Samantha not enjoying getting older.
Here are a couple of questions: Why were they in Abu Dabi again? How many times can you change outfits in the middle of the desert? Do women really want to see breasts through out a film? How about the male genitals?
I think there will be some women that do not like the film at all, and some that will laugh so hard they cry while watching it. I did not enjoy it too much. If I could erase it I would. As my friend Emily suggested, who is a huge fan of the series and of the first film, she would just like to pretend this second film never happened. This was the last chance for SATC to gain a new fan, but I didn't know the characters names before and I have no need to want to know them now.
Overall I give the film a D+. Yes I could relate, but I was super bored doing so. And no one should ever have to see Liza Minnelli do that again, though she's looking pretty good for 80.