The Oscars show was a huge disappointment. Whatever happened to the showmanship? I don't want to sit around and hear lame jokes about the contenders of the night. I want some action, I want some more entertainment than that. LAME. But Sandra Bullock winning was worth the wait. I am so proud of her; she totally deserves it. Again, after watching the Oscars I found myself talking into my toothbrush before bed, giving my acceptance speech! And WOW, our first female winner for Best Director! You go girl! All in all it was decent television, there were some lame moments as usual, and I never want to see Steve Martin or Alic Baldwin as hosts again!
A dog and his boy. I never understood the attachment one might have with their dog until I watched Carson and Sierra play together this weekend. There is a bond between them already, Carson belongs to Sierra. Carson tries to sit on her, he plays cars with her, he loves getting kisses from her. He never needs a bath again, I just push him towards Sierra for one. GROSS! but he loves it! Don't tell anyone, but I think Sierra is growing on me.
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