It is a warm spring evening in 1830 in Quincy Mass. The sky is lit with orange, red and blues as the sun descendes in east. A carriage appears clattering along a dirt road. Inside sits a young man starring out the window. He is Jeffrey Oakes and he has returned. The sunset is still indescribable, but what else will be the same he wonders. His dark almond eyes are lost in the view.
Jeffrey pulls a small note pad and pencil from his pocket and jots something down glancing from the scene back to his pad.
The clatter of the carriage grows louder as it turns off the main road and up a long paved driveway. A very large, very brightly lit grand colonial home awaits Jeffrey's arrival. As one carriage pulls away from the home another pulls up. Men guide their fancy dressed dates up the stairs and inside. There is a party happening here tonight.
Jeffrey's turn to exit the carriage approaches, he straightens his tie, tilts his hat and takes a deep breathe as the carriage door is opened. He steps out and gazes up at the oversized steps, large pillars and double oak doors in front of him. I remember these steps, he thinks to himself.
The carriage driver awakes him from his memories, "Good evening to you then sir," and tips his hat to Jeffrey.
Jeffrey turns to the scrawny carriage driver, flashes a smile and replies, "I truly hope it is," and tips his hat back.
He then turns and begins his trip up the steps. He reaches the top and without looking back knocks on the oversized door. Straightening his tie once more the door is opened and Jeffrey walks into the middle of the party.
With eyes wide Jeffrey glances around at the scenery. A butler appears behind him to shut the door and take Jeffrey's hat. Jeffrey straightens his tie once more and pats his hair down as he looks upon a couple of beautiful ladies that are gliding by. He smiles, a little bit more at ease with himself now as the ladies smile back at him.
Jeffrey continues to take the scene in. Stairs are to the right, crowded with young men and women dressed in their finest chit chatting. To the left is the entrance to the grand room where the piano can be slightly heard above all the voices. Guests crowd every inch it seems, laughing and sipping from their crystal wine glasses.
Maids move through out the crowd with trays full of appetizing o'durves (?). Jeffrey steals a bite sized sample as a tray glides by. I can only find food like this here he smiles to himself as the tastes explode in his mouth.
The aroma of the delicious food turns Jeffrey's attention to the right where the kitchen door swings open and Christine Martin walks out.
Jeffrey relaxes a little more now that he see's Christine's familiar face. He watches her as she smiles at the guests, they make room for her voluptuous body to pass. She makes small talk with a few young woman, directs a maid to the appropriate location, fixes the position of the vase on the center table. As she pushes her brilliant red curls off her shoulder she catches Jeffrey's eyes. A gasp of excitement escapes Christine as she floats over towards him.
"My goodness, is it really you Jeffrey Oakes," she asks as she approaches.
"Hello Mrs. Martin," Jeffrey replies.
Christine's cheeks appear flushed as she shifts her eyes away with a shy grin. She puches her curls off her shoulders once more revealing her ivory skin.
"Oh, come now Jeffrey. You are practically family, call me Christine."
As Jeffrey reaches to take her hand to lay a kiss upon, in a gentlman fashion, much to his surprise Christine leans in and they exchange an awkward embrace. Christine steps back, one hand still holding his arm and allows her eyes to look Jeffrey over.
"You are finally back home. Wait until Father sees you," She says as she wraps her arm through his and they begin to walk throughout the house. "You must tell me everything you've done, seen, I want to hear all about your school."
Jeffrey just smiles, "Well, there is not too much to brag about."
Christine giggles right as Mr. Martin interupts them, "Do my eyes decieve me or does this young man look like someone I once knew?"
Christine and Jeffrey turn around to meet a red cheeked, largly built older man with stunning blue eyes. Jeffrey's smile widens to reveal both of his dimples.
"Mr. Martin, sir," Jeffrey extends his hand out, "A pleasure to see you again sir."
Mr. Martin takes Jeffrey's hand in his firm grip and shakes it smiling.
"The pleasure is all mine dear boy, all mine."
"Boy, father really; I'd say he grew about 5 feet since we saw him last," Christine smiles, her arm still wraped with Jeffrey's, she reaches up to straighten his tie for him.
"It has been quite some time hasn't it," Mr. Martin says to Jeffrey. "I am interested to hear all about school. But first I think a congratulations is in order. I received a letter from the Dean, high honors, well done son, well done."
Jeffrey stands a little taller at these words, taking Mr. Martins hand once again, his own grip more firm and says, "Thank you sir."
"I suspect you received the last package I had sent to you?" Mr. Martin asks, releasing his hand.
"Yes sir. Thank you very much again sir," Jeffrey takes his arm out of Christines grip.
The three of them begin to slowly walk among the guests. Christine stops to chit chat a little with guests. Everyone makes room for Mr. Martin to pass, he smiles at them, nodding with approval.
Mr. Martin continues, "Well, I promised your father I would look out for you, and that is what I always intend to do."
Jeffrey walks a little behind Mr. Martin now, raising his voice to be heard over the crowd, "Thank you sir. I am much obliged for your help."
Mr. Martin stops walking and turns to Jeffrey, "Nonsense!" He says smiling, "Nonesense, you are like family my dear boy."
Mr. Martin wraps an arm around Jeffrey's shoulders.
Just then Daniel Bates approaches the two of them, Chrstine also cathces back up with them.
Daniel is not much taller than Jeffrey, but has broader shoulders, dark black hair slicked perfectly to the side, a freshly pressed, straight, tie.
Daniel's eyes look directly past Jeffrey, "Good evening Mr. Martin," he says extending out his hand. They shake and exchange smiles.
"Hello Daniel."
Daniel smiles at Christine, she nods, "Evening Daniel."
Before acknowledging Jeffrey Daniel is pulled aside by Mr. Martin. This gives Chrsitine another chance to talk with Jeffrey.
"So, Jeffrey, please tell me about your school? The wonderful adventures you've had, I cannot wait to begin my own...."
Christine trails off distracted by some guests and she quickly leaves Jeffrey's side to greet them.
Jeffrey did not want to talk about school, or his non-adventures anyways. He was glad to see her disappear back into the crowd, leaving him alone in the middle of this glorious room once again. Feeling like a stranger in a place he was told would be home. Jeffrey lets his eyes wander, watching people. A glimor of red catches Jeffrey's eyes as a few people part in front of him. Justine Martin appears, making her way through the crowd. Her beautiful red hair is arranged on top of her head revealing her deep ivory colored bare neck and shoulders. She smiles at everyone she passes, a thin silhouette against the crowd. Just like the sunset, the view is indiscribable.
Christine found her way back to Jeffrey's side, "Jeffrey? Jeffrey?"
It is hard, but Jeffrey turns his attention away and looks to Christine, "I am sorry Christine. What was it you were asking?"
In frustration Christine adjusts her gaze to where Jeffrey was looking. Justine has managed to steal Daniels attention also. Daniel watches her every move as she approaches him and Mr. Martin, kissing her father gentle on the cheek as he continues to gab on and on to Daniel. She smiles up at Daniel. Before Daniel can react Mr. Martin once again takes him even further to the side to continue their discussion. Justine continues on to where her sister Christine and Jeffrey stand.
"Good evening sister," she says. Christine just smiles.
"And I am sorry I do not believe we have met," she turns to Jeffrey. She extends her hand for Jeffrey to take and he does so, laying a soft kiss upon it.
"Jeffrey you must remember my younger sister Justine," Christine says.
Jeffrey cannot help but to get lost in Justine's emerald eyes, "Yes. I, I think I remember. You have really blossomed into a beautiful young woman Miss Martin."
Justin giggles, slipping her hand away from his, "Really? Well I'm not in full bloom yet," a few more giggles escape, "Thank you Mr. ??"
Jeffrey's face shines a bright red as he smiles at her.
Daniel Bates walks by the three of them, catching Justine's eye, as Mr. Martin approaches them, "This is young Jeffrey Oakes Justine. My dear belated friends son. He's come home for the summer. Why, you two used to chase each other out on that front lawn."
Justine locks eyes once more with Jeffrey, "Yes, I vaguely remember. You have been away for some time. Nice to see you again Mr. Oakes."
Jeffrey smiles at Justine, but before he can utter another word dinner is called and she turns to walk away with her arm wrapped with her father's.
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