Monday, July 5, 2010

Toy Story 3.... a little depressing

Due to my son, the film choice of last weekend was 'Toy Story 3,' Pixar's new animated feature. Carson loves Buzz; when he sees him his face lights up and you can hear him repeat "Buzz, Buzz," for the next 20 minutes. Of course I could not deny him the opportunity to see Buzz on the Big Screen, (can you believe this is only the 2nd film Carson has been to- I'm starting him off slowly).
It has been since 1999, 11 years since 'Toy Story 2.' A lot has happened in my life since then, and I say this because I connected with this story and the fun characters on a whole new level. On a grown up, mommy level, finding myself in tears through half of the film.
Pixar has become a little morbid, I started feeling this way after watching the opening sequence in Pixar's last film 'UP.' But it became very clear in 'Toy Story 3' that they have become a little depressing- or again, maybe this is just the 'grown up, mommy level' I am talking about.
Overall I thought the film was good. Not as exciting as the 1st, or as great as the 2nd, but good. The story, like I said, was a little depressing. Andy has grown up, he will be leaving for college and has to clean out his room; deciding which toys to keep and which to throw away. There are only a few of them left after all these years. I started to cry the first five minutes, when this last group of toys create a plan to try and get their owner Andy to touch them one more time. I felt and ache watching Andy decide wether to get rid of them or not. I remembered Frankie and Fayann, my stuffed animals, and my baby cabbage patch doll I saved all this time, through garage sales, moves, and now I have pulled them out for Carson to play with. I need to have a little girl now to play with the over twenty barbies I still have.
The story continues, this last group of toys finding themselves suddenly at a pre-school. The film kinda became an 'Oceans 11' meets 'The Godfather' meets 'Mission:Impossible', with Lotso the bear as the ring leader, and Ken barbie doll his #2. I don't think there was one child watching this film that could have possibly understood all the underlined meanings. Really, this was a cartoon made for adults. I was even shocked at the language used. 'Idiot' is not an extremely bad word, but if Carson said it I'd wash his mouth out.
As the film neared the end, the ache in my heart increased and I tried to hold back even more tears. Woody, Buzz and the last few toys that had survived together all this time find themselves the closest to death they had ever been. I could no longer hold back as Buzz gives up fighting for survival and takes Jessie's hand. They stare at each other and nod, acknowledging that this will be the end of their little toy lives. Jessie reaches out to Woody, who finally gives up the fight also. They all hold hands, squeeze together and calmly face death head on. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I couldn't believe this was the end. Thank god for the claw. But even as they were saved before they melted away, I couldn't believe Pixar had put such a heart wrenching scene in this film. It was like watching Bambi's mother die all over again, I am 28 years old and still scarred from that.
Oh, and I wasn't going to mention it, but Buzz is 'Latino Buzz' through half the film. It was actually the only time I laughed. My true feelings about this though would have to be its own blog.
I give the film a B-. Will Carson be watching this film when it comes out on video, probably not. He can watch the first 'Toy Story' all he wants though, with an uplifting message and more comedy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Tribute to Tom Cruise

Bringing us a blockbuster hit nearly every year since 1981, he has given us over 30 films, rated one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world, made history being the first actor to star in five consecutive films that grossed $100 million, averaging $60 million per film with a winning smile to fall in love with, it is none other than Tom Cruise.

His new film, co-starring Cameron Diaz, 'Knight and Day' was just released yesterday June 23rd. Is this the comeback Tom has been hoping for? Not that Mr. Cruise is doing bad, but lets face it Cruise, you went a little crazy there for a second, you don't have Robert Pattinsons hair, and Valkyrie didn't do so well.

I am interested in seeing the results of this new film for Tom, but what I am really interested in is my little conspiracy theory surrounding this film and 'Killers' that was realesed only a few weeks ago. 'Killers' starred a much younger, fresh cast, Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Hiegl, with basically the same plot as 'Knight and Day'. Though Ashton nor Katherine do not have the experience Diaz and Cruise do, and no one can pull off action like Tom, I still think it was a ploy to release 'Killers' in hopes to ruin a little of the excitement for 'Knight and Day.' Cause who really wants to see the same film twice, especially if the first time around wasn't that great!

I am rooting for you though Tom. I am willing to forget about the couch scene, your love for scientology, and the fact that you may be too old for me now, but is the film community ready to accept you back 100%?

To continue the tribute to Tom, my top 5 Cruise films:

5. Mission:Impossible

4. Rain Man

3. A Few Good Men

2. The Firm

And my #1 Tom Cruise Film:
1. The Last Samuri

So, if you go and see 'Knight and Day' this weekend, I hope you enjoy it and I hope it is better than 'Killers'. I can't wait to see it myself, but I am not going to go in with high expectations!! Good luck Tom!!
And enjoy the movies!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


I put together my 'Top Ten' favorite films, from 10 to 1. Maybe reading through my list will help you decide on a film to rent this weekend......

"Ray. If someone asks if you are a God, you say, "Yes!"

"You're gonna knock over a bank with a Magic Marker? What are you gonna do, write on 'em?"

"There are a few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing.... but empty space and silence."

"It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall."

"You better think of something fast, because, if he turns me into a Mummy you're the first one I'm coming after."

"I pretty much wake up in the morning and piss excellence."

"I like you, just the way you are."

"I'm your huckleberry."

"You! My room 9:30. You! My room 10 o'clock, and bring a friend!"

Last but not least, of course. My Number 1 for 1o years. Will another film ever take its place? Probably not!
The one and only:

"Are you not entertained!"

Monday, June 14, 2010

Movies from the weekend....

This weekend I was taken to 14th century England, a very CGI wonderland, and I drove a DeLorean. It was a very eventful weekend.
I decided to rent 'Robin Hood Prince of thieves' starring Kevin Costner, to compare it with the newly released 'Robin Hood' starring Russell Crowe. I have to ask first, Do you remember Disney's animated version of 'Robin Hood'? I would watch that film over and over again growing up. It was my #1. I recently rented it for Carson, but he wasn't too impressed. Anyways, Kevin Costner's 'RH' was similar to the animated version, which is one of the reasons I guess I liked it so much. I haven't seen the Costner version in many years, and now being older with a little bit more film knowledge, I still fell in love. Watching it made me realize many things, especially when comparing it with Russell's 'RH'. What every film needs, and what Costner's 'RH' had, was Morgan Freeman. Pairing Mr. Freeman ( he played Azeem the great one) as Costner's side kick was the best decision the Director and Producers could have made during the whole film. The whole film was perfectly casted. Costner and Freeman worked so well together, believable as true friends willing to die for one another and their beliefs. This is definitely what Russell's film was lacking, a true friendship, a true understanding of why the men stood by each other to fight. It really lacked the comradeship between Robin Hood and his men. Costner's film really showed the audience that Robin Hood and his men fought for a noble cause. Robin Hood was a little selfish, of course wanting more than anything to avenge his fathers death, but by the end of the film you saw it was to free his people, and for love. Russell's Robin Hood on the other hand was a man who walked in front of his men, the leader, with an 'you-do-what-I-say-and-I-will-ask-your-opinion-when-needed-but-I'll-never-need-it-cause-I-am-too-perfect' kinda attitude. I didn't understand why I did not like Russell's film when I first saw it, until I saw Costner's again. Now I understand perfectly, it was lacking the personal connection between Robin Hood and his men. 'Robin Hood Prince of Thieves,' Costner's film, receives an A.
Moving on, cause I go could write an essay on the comparison of those two films.
After leaving Sherwood Forest, I found myself falling down a hole into Wonderland. I must be honest and tell you that I decided to rent this because Johnny Depp played the Mad Hatter in the film. I guess also because anything Tim Burton does is pretty imaginative and impressive. As I began to watch the film I realized I should have done some research before hand. A little spoiler here, but the film is a sequel. A sequel to the Animated version I guess, because it was stated over and over again in the film that Alice had been there before when she was younger, even showing flashbacks including painting the roses red. So, this was a sequel, and I did not like it too much. I did like the cast. It was almost a tribute to Alan Rickman weekend. He plays the Sheriff in 'Robin Hood: p.o.t.' and the Caterpillar in Wonderland. Depp's Hatter was kinda creepy, even more so than his usual characters. I enjoyed the actress who played Alice, Mia Wasikowska. I had not seen her in anything else before this. The film was perfectly casted, but I did not enjoy the plot and was bored, but it was visually entertaining, even so I give the film a C.
Finally, I joined Michael J. Fox in 'Back to the Future III.' The one with cowboy boots and gun fights, and though this final chapter of the films is not as enjoyable as the first 'Back to the Furture,' it was still pretty entertaining. Just the idea alone to be able to travel through time. It is the same feeling as if you were to watch 'Peggy Sue Got Married.' Or even 'Mr. Destiny.' We all have something we wish we could do over, or go back and change. So, I think that alone are reasons why people enjoy films such as 'Back to the Future.' What can I give this film but an A. Back before movies were competing to see who could create the most CGI scenes, 'Back to the Future' was the real thing. Those were real flames at the end of the movie lighting up the street from the DeLorean. That's when I think film sets must have been real exciting. Though cheesy, 80's films were still great and super creative without CGI, and 'Back to The Future' is proof. The 80's weren't so bad after all. Thanks Mr. Spielberg!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


With electronics taking over the world, everyone twittering, face booking, emailing, texting, it came as no surprise when the 'King of Twitter,' Ashton Kutcher announced he was going to film the first 13 minutes of his new film 'Killers' on premiere night and share it with the world over the Internet. The film had yet to be released to critics, no junket, nada. What a smooth decision on his part I think, good tactic, cause I gobbled it right up and followed Mr. Kutchers instructions and watched the first 13 minutes and at the end I was dying to see more! I wonder how many others fell into the trap? I wonder if they hired someone to sit and calculate and track how many viewed the online taping, if they can figure out if this might be the best new way to attract people to come and see a new movie. Because like I said, it got me there.
Side Note: Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz just wrapped up a film called 'Knight and Day.' They released a trailer for this film last year. 'Knight and Day' is produced by 20th Century Fox, 'Killers' by Lionsgate. 'Knight and Day' is about a couple being chased down, together they fight to stay alive- sound familiar? Wait a minute I just saw this film, but with Kutcher and Heigl. In the end what film will be better? It's Cruz vs. Kutcher.
Back to 'Killers'. So, after watching the first 13 minutes I rushed off to see the film. I was excited, so many ways the film could go, and with Kutcher already half naked in the first 5 minutes I knew it could only get better. But..... I was wrong.
While Kutcher can be super charming, and Heigl is perfect as the timid, coy, girl next door, the story was too predictable and I had seen every scene all before.
They did bring Tom Selleck back from the dead, and his never changing perfect mustache. But, even he looked bored with his role.
And was it not enough that this couple was being gunned down by who they thought were friends, that the writers felt the need to add a baby to all this commotion. It was as though the writers didn't quite know where to take the story, so just as TV series add a baby to the mix to try and spice things up, so did this film. Wasn't working for me. Didn't really seem necessary.
The fight scenes were good. But as I watched them I began to think: In an interview Ashton Kutcher states that he wouldn't go through glass during the shoot, but every other 'stunt' he did. So basically Ashton is in this 1 hr 40 min. film for approximately 20 minutes. Enough time for us to see him half naked and fake driving.
The best part about the film was that it was just the right length of time. Just when I was searching for my phone to see the time, it ended, and I was happy.
The Second best part of the film was, well, the ending. Now this is a huge SPOILER, in the end Selleck and Kutcher realize they are one in the same, both killers, both secretly working for the government. That is when the funny moments came, and I think that's where the film should have taken off. Selleck and Kutcher = Killers! Now that sounds like an entertaining movie.
I give this film a C. Kutcher and Heigl made a good team and I enjoyed them, but the story line has been overdone, overwritten, overplayed. Hopefully this film doesn't ruin the chances for 'Knight and Day.' And hopefully Cruz and Diaz give us some surprises. Just so I can compare the two I must go see that one next!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sex and the City 2

I love any chance to get together with the Ladies, and dinner and a movie is the perfect 'Ladies Night' out. What better movie to go see than 'Sex and the City 2,' right? Now, I went into this film with low expectations, and I had really enjoyed the first one. But the reviews that I read were not making this total chick flick sound good at all. Just FYI, do not read reviews before going to see a movie. I usually don't, but I couldn't resist this time.
The ladies and I got to the theater in plenty of time, some of us thinking the place would be jammed packed with stiletto's and 'vintage Valentino,' whatever that means. Maybe this was my first mistake, I do not know enough about fashion to have fully understood the film? Anyways, the perfect seats were taken, right smack in the middle. Too bad it wasn't for a film like 'Robin Hood' or 'Eclipse.'
The film begins two years after the first film. Rundown- Carrie is married to Mr. Big and finding marriage can get a little boring, and she still dresses funky, and who the hell is the hair 'artist' on this set? The red head, BTW- my second mistake may be that I don't know the characters that well. So, the red head is a woman trying to make it in a mans world, with her new boss the #1 wall in her way. Samantha is old and is desperately trying to make us believe every man in the world still wants to have sex with her. And the Brunette wanted children, has them, then discovers it's more work than she expected. I can honestly say that the one positive comment I have to say about the film, and I mean one, is that I could relate a little to each of these women. But I had to really search through all the big hair- over-the-top-wardrobe changing-male organ-sand dunes to find it.
Carrie is finding that married life isn't always 'sparkles', and what married woman hasn't realized that. Then at the part of the film where the Director must have realized this horrible story has gone on too long, he then tries to cram everything into an ending, where Carrie comes to the conclusion that it is ok to lay on the couch and watch TV on a work night.
I enjoyed the red heads story. I would have liked to have seen more about this story. One of the films problems was that they tried to give the audience so much that we got too little of everything.
I could absolutely relate to the brunette when she finally had a breakdown about her children. No shit they are a lot of work, favorite line "I don't know how people without help do it!?" I wanted to slap her, life must be so hard for her, a stay at home mom, with a nanny, in a gorgeous home wearing Vintage whatever, baking cupcakes, ironing the wrinkled 100$ bills. Pick your screaming baby up and cuddle her for crying out loud.
Oh, and Samantha. I have to say that creeping up to my 30's I have days where I long to be 21-22 again. When my breast were still 'up', my butt a little firmer, and I could eat donuts all day and not gain a pound. So, I could relate to Samantha not enjoying getting older.
Here are a couple of questions: Why were they in Abu Dabi again? How many times can you change outfits in the middle of the desert? Do women really want to see breasts through out a film? How about the male genitals?
I think there will be some women that do not like the film at all, and some that will laugh so hard they cry while watching it. I did not enjoy it too much. If I could erase it I would. As my friend Emily suggested, who is a huge fan of the series and of the first film, she would just like to pretend this second film never happened. This was the last chance for SATC to gain a new fan, but I didn't know the characters names before and I have no need to want to know them now.
Overall I give the film a D+. Yes I could relate, but I was super bored doing so. And no one should ever have to see Liza Minnelli do that again, though she's looking pretty good for 80.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A day at the Movies....

(the story has come to a slight standstill. I really don't know what happens next.... yet. Stand by.)

If I was a film critic I would have to give the 'Robin Hood' flick a B maybe even a B-. I know, shocking. Now, my scale is on a 1 to 10 spectrum; 10 is the film 'Gladiator'. I compare everything to this film, and why shouldn't I, it is the best. 'Gladiator' contains every element a film should. It has everything someone would want from a film, especially for women. Action, Drama, comedy, danger, excitement, half naked men. Believe it or not but all films are geared towards women. Even the non 'chick flicks' like 'Gladiator' are targeted towards us. I truly believe that a writer is able to use their imagination to create a story to a certain extent, meaning they also have to think of what will bring in the money. What I am trying to say is more women than men go to see a movie. Right? I mean, when was the last time you heard a bunch of men plan out a 'guys night' to the movies? Ok- you got me, maybe to see 'Star Wars'. But seriously, more women than men go to the movies. And if you are a man at the movies, and not having your special 'man night,' then chances are you were brought to the movies by a woman. Women bring the money in. Women are the ones buying the magazines when a film star is on the cover, women are the ones who plan trips to the movies, log it into their calendar. I am getting off track, you get the point. Films are geared towards women. So, as I watched 'The Hurt Locker' last night I began to compare it with the best film 'Gladiator,' and I am sorry to say but not even half way through I would have only rated it at a 5/ C almost C-. Now, what was impressive was that the story felt so true, so real. And even more impressive it was a Woman telling the story. The Director of the film, the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Director and Best Film, Kathryn Bigelow, even stated at the Oscars that critics could not believe how well a woman told this story. To create that kind of emotion, and to have your actors so believable is well worth A Best Director Oscar. But I do have to wonder, with politics and money ruling even the smallest of businesses, how much politics and money rule at the Oscars. It was time for a woman to win Best Director. Here comes my conspiracy theory, or maybe not. Again, I have gone off track. The whole point of this blog was just to say, 'The Hurt Locker' was alright. Should it have won Best Picture, No. 'Avatar' was way too impressive not to have won. Did Ms. Bigelow deserve Best Director, Yes. Do I think she might have gotten it through a little well thought out political plan, Yes. Overall I give the film a B-.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

True Romance cont'd..... (pg. 5)

(re-cap. Justine has just discovered Daniel's true passion as they continue along the grounds)

Jeffrey interrupts the silence this time, "And what about you Justine? What is it that you intend to do with your life?"
She continues to gaze forward and smiles a little, "Anything I want." She pulls on the reins of her horse and comes to a stop. She jumps off.
Jeffrey turns his horse around and stops, "What are you doing?"
She flashes a smile at him and pulls her sack from the saddle and turns to walk through a clearing in the woods that lines the trail they had been walking along.
She turns around once more to look at him still on his horse watching her, "Well dear Jeffrey, that water," pointing towards the clearing through the woods, "looks much too cool on a hot day like this. I am going for a dip." She smiles and turns back around watching her step as she continues on. "Care to join me?" She calls out.
Jeffrey becomes a little nervous looking back to where the Martin house would be.
"Shouldn't we return? I am sure your father is waiting for me now," he calls back to her. But she has disappeared through the trees already and does not respond. He stretches to stand up in his saddle trying to get a glimpse of where she has gone. He can barely make out the small lagoon that is hidden behind the trees. He decides to jump off the horse and ties it up with Justine's.
He makes his way through the trees, rolling up his too long sleeve. He skids down a small slope before coming to a halt on the edge of the lagoon. He dabs the sweat from his face with his hankie. Justine comes out from behind a tree and dives into the water wearing nothing but her undergarments.
Noticing the white cloth sticking to her ivory skin Jeffrey begins to blush and quickly turns his back to the scene, "I said, don't you think we should be heading back? I am sure you father must be waiting for us by now."
He can hear her body splash against the water and her laughter fills the air around him. He can't help but to catch a glimpse over his shoulder still trying to preserve his gentleman behavior.
The bright blue sky stares down at Justine whose body hovers on the water as she looks back.
Her bright red hair glimmers like a halo surrounding her ivory face.
She finally answers Jeffrey, "Believe me Jeffrey they haven't even realized we have left yet."
Jeffrey is now facing her and cannot turn his eyes away from the view. She is an angel. He does not realize he has stepped forward towards the water and slipping on the dirt almost falls in. Justine giggles at him, "Are you going to get in or just stand there?"
Jeffrey regains his balance and catches himself starring and turns back around, "No, I think I am fine right here."
Justine swims closer to him and splashes some water, "What is it? Are you chicken to come swim around a little pond with me? Or is it that you haven't asked my father for permission yet?"
At that remark Jeffrey turns around and glares at Justine as he begins to unbutton his shirt. He throws it aside and then proceeds to untie his shoes.
Justine just laughs and continues swimming, "I knew that would work."
Jeffrey pulls off his shoes, trying not to fall, and brings his hands to his pants zipper,"Turn around," he demands.
Justine stares up at him, smiling as she swims.
Jeffrey stands there and asks once again, "Seriously, you must. Turn around."
Justine looks at him once more, "You really can't be serious?" she replies.
Her smile fades as she can see from his expression that he is. She giggles at him and turns around. She begins to hum a little tune while Jeffrey sits down in an attempt to now take off his too tight pants.
"Of all the childish things really. Honestly, it is just like wearing a bathing suite." Justine hums her tune and makes remarks about Jeffrey's request. At the sound of his body hitting the water she finally turns around to face him, "Or are there other things you are embarrassed of besides the color of your skimpies?" At that Jeffrey drenches her with a splash of water causing her laughter to fill the air once more.
She swims away and he chases, and while this cat and mouse game continues a faint ringing is heard in the distance. Jeffrey does not notice, but Justine stops swimming around and pulls herself out of the water.
The moment her bottom is viewed through her white undergarments Jeffrey turns around once more, "Where are you going now?"
Justine begins to put back on her garments. He turns to see her as she redress's. Her naked skin can be seen through the soaked garments, revealing her breasts through her blouse. She does not seem embarrassed as Jeffrey watches.
"Well, it seems time does fly when one is easily amused. The dinner bell has rung," she says to him.
Jeffrey swims over the side and pulls himself out of the water. He shyly covers what he can of his lower half and grabs his clothing and hides behind a bush.
Justine giggles and shakes her head at his display.
"Are you admitting you had fun with me?" he calls out as he stumbles to get back on the too tight pants.
"No. It seems I am just easily amused," she answers back with a smile and grabs her sack off the ground and begins her walk back to the horses.
Jeffrey races to catch up.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

True Romance...cont'd (pg.4)

(re-cap: Jeffrey has been told to go for a ride with Justine alone)

Jeffrey walks through the stable doors, embarrassed as he continuously adjust his pants that are too tight and shirt that is too long.
Justine appears from behind two horses in the middle of the barn. She is adjusting the saddle of one of the horses. She spots Jeffrey and tries to hide her childish smile.
Jeffrey laughs at himself, "I had to borrow some clothes. But it seems they belonged to a very dysfunctional man," holding up his long sleeve and pointing to his too high pants.
Justine can't control her giggles as she catches another sight of him. She comes out from behind the horse, her smile fading, "I am sure you can think of more important things to do than riding with me while waiting for my Father. I will completely understand."
Jeffrey follows her around the second horse helping with the saddle adjustments.
"I realize you don't want me to go, but I told your father I would, so I am."
Her smile returns, but she does not look at him, "It's not so much that I'd rather ride alone, I just know this was not your first choice of things to do when you came today."
Jeffrey finishes tightening the straps and watches her as she disappears into one of the horses stalls.
She returns carrying a small sack and gets up on her horse. "Always on Fathers time," she says and gives her horse a slight kick.
Justine's horse starts off out of the barn stables as Jeffrey quickly jumps on his own to follow.

The two of them gallop for some time along a dirt path surrounding the Martin's very large grounds. Jeffrey always trailing just a little bit behind Justine. He can tell she likes to be in the lead so he does this on purpose, though Justine sees things differently.
Finally, while being coy, Justine pulls on the reins of her horse and slows down to a walking pace. Jeffrey catches up and pulls out his handkerchief and wipes his face down. Shading his eyes from the beating afternoon sun he relaxes in his saddle and glances around at the scenery.
The Martin house and stables look like small figurings against green hills. The leaves on every tree hovering over the path are a brilliant green and birds flood the sky singing.
"I only imagined it this beautiful in my dreams," he says.
Justine giggles at his remark, but he pays no attention and closes his eyes while taking in a deep breathe of fresh air. Justine is unamused by the scenery and is rummaging through her sack. She pulls out a small silver flask and takes a drink, "Awwweee, how refreshing."
She hands the flask out to Jeffrey, "Would you like some?"
Jeffrey opens his eyes and takes it. He licks his lips realizing how hot and thirsty he had become. He takes a gulp, waiting for the cool feeling of water to trickle down his throat.
He spits it out almost instantly, "What the...."
Amused by the display she just witnessed, "Not used to whiskey are we?"
Jeffrey wipes his mouth with the hankie and laughs a little, "Just not expected." He takes another short sip this time and hands it back to her. She grabs it and takes another long swig, enjoying it very much. Jeffrey watches her, "You are not what I expected."
She smiles and they continue riding for a moment until Justine breaks the silence.
"You should have stood up to him today, to my father, and said you had other matters to take care of this afternoon."
Jeffrey is a little caught off guard by her topic of choice, "What do you mean?"
"You had other plans this afternoon, did you not? Shouldn't you be home with your mother? Father is always doing that."
Jeffrey looks out at the scenery, "Well, Mr. Martin is a very busy man, it was easier for me to change my plans around."
"It was not." She says firmly. "Father did nothing this morning except walk around the grounds picking flowers."
Jeffrey keeps his eyes forward.
"Now look. Your mother is home sick and you are riding with me. I have to believe you have more of a back bone than you let on, especially when it comes to my father. Don't you?"
Jeffrey says nothing. Justine decides to take the conversation in another direction as they continue a light walk further along the path.
"Jeffrey tell me, why has my father insisted you come back this summer?"
He finally makes eye contact with her, "Business. It is time to discuss my plans for the future after I graduate."
"And what is the plan for you?"
"I suppose I will come back to Quincy and join a respectable law firm, eventually handling your families affairs."
"All part of Daddy's plan. Keep it in the family."
"No, I too wish to be successful. Being a Lawyer is an excellent career choice, and working for your father would be an honor."
"Yes, but just because my father says it is the right choice does not mean you will be successful. There are many measurements of success. Plus, you do not strike me as a Lawyer."
They look at each other for a moment, "What is it that Jeffrey Oakes wishes for? If you could do anything, be anywhere, what would you choose?"
"Why are you so adamant on believing I do not want these things?" He questions.
Justine smirks at him. He pauses and thinks for a moment, "Why do I feel like you know me so well Justine?"
She can't help but smile.
"I would write and travel," he finally answers.
Justine seems shocked by his remark, and a little shocked that yes, she does know this man very well though they've only just reconnected, "Really?"
"Surprised?" He asks a little nervous by her reaction.
"No, just not expected," she giggles a little, "That would explain where those corny lines come from though."
Jeffrey smiles watching her, "What corny lines?"
She just giggles, "Are you any good? At writing? I mean has anyone read your work?"
"Two of my stories have been published actually," he says with more confidence than ever heard through his voice before.
"Really? Father never mentioned this side of you."
"He wouldn't. I have not told anyone here at home. Not even my mother."
Justine smiles and stares ahead, "I must say I am very impressed Jeffrey Oakes. You should be following your dreams, not letting my father make decisions for you."
Jeffrey becomes a little defensive at this remark finally sticking up for himself, "You're father is a very generous man, helping me succeed where I never thought possible. He believes I will make a fine Lawyer, and that is what I intend to be. I can write in my free time, but this is the path that has been chosen, going to school, working in an outstanding Law firm, I will do this for your father, for my father, mother.... and for me."
"Yes, and father is always right," She replies and they ride in silence once more.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

True Romance Cont'd...... Pg. 3

(re-cap: Jeffrey has just left the Martin house after the party. He will meet with Mr. Martin at 2pm the next day.)

Jeffrey returns home after his evening at the Martin house. He slips through the old front door. A fire is still crackling to the left, dimly lighting the small living room where is mother is asleep on the couch. He approaches her and brushes a few gray strands of her hair off from her eyes. He pulls the quilt further up over her shoulders. He turns towards his room, but his barely awake mother calls out to him, "How was the party Jeffrey?"
He turns around and reaches his hand out to her and she takes hold tightly.
"It was fine ma. You should be in bed, you will be more comfortable back there."
A deep wheezing cough escapes Mrs. Oakes as she attempts to adjust herself on the couch. Jeffrey pulls the quilt up around her shoulders once more.
"No, no," she coughs, "I like the sound of the fire, it comforts me."
Jeffrey brings the cup of water off the side table to his mom who refuses it.
"What time does the doctor come tomorrow ma?"
"He said 2:00pm," she manages to reply between coughs.
Jeffrey adverts his eyes away from his mothers.
"I can't be here ma. Mr. Martin needs..."
She interrupts him, "Oh, don't worry," cough, "Son, don't worry. You have important things to get done here now. You don't have time to be worryin' 'bout ol' me." She coughs as she rolls over to her side and shuts her eyes.
Jeffrey sits there a moment and looks his mother over. She can fill the weight of his stare and opens her eyes, "Now go on to bed Jeffrey, it's late."
He walks down the small narrow hall and enters a room at the end and shuts the door behind him.

It is the next afternoon and Jeffrey walks along the cobble stoned path surrounding the Martin house leading to the back patio where he was informed Mr. Martin, Justine and their guest were waiting.
The yard surrounding the house are decorated in color with the flowers in full bloom and the smell of fresh cut grass filling the air.
Jeffrey pulls out his handkerchief and wipes the sweat beads from his forehead as he approaches the three of them seated around a table under a huge umbrella.
"Good afternoon Jeffrey," Mr. Martin says as he pulls out his pocket watch to take a glimpse. "Right on time. If there is one thing you have learned from me it is that punctuality shows excellent character."
"Afternoon Mr. Martin, Miss Martin, and...." Jeffrey extends his hand to Daniel Bates sitting next to Justine.
Daniel rises from his seat and takes Jeffrey's hand into his overly strong grip. "We were not properly introduced last night, I am Daniel Bates, and you are the young man I have heard so much about. Pleasure to meet you Jeffrey."
The hand shake ends and Daniel sits back down as Jeffrey takes the empty seat next to Mr. Martin. Jeffrey tries to steal a glance at Justine, but she adjusts her eyes away and he realizes Daniel is still watching him.
"Daniel here is what we might call my protege, would you say?" Mr. Martin chimes in.
"Thank you sir," Daniel replies.
"He helps keep the business on track seeing how I can't be as involved as I used to," Mr. Martin continues.
"Thank you sir," Daniel says again turning his eyes to Justine while under the table he reaches his hand out to pat her knee. "I would like to think I am almost like family too."
Mr. Martin has pulled a small velvet bag from his coat pocket and pulls from it a pipe and tobacco. He begins to fill it, removing his concentration from the conversation.
Daniel turns his attention to Jeffrey. "So Jeffrey, tell me, I hear you were finally added to the deans list at school. With no help from Mr. Martin I am sure."
Jeffrey is watching Mr. Martin but turns and nods to Daniel. "Though Mr. Martin has been very generous I promise the hard work is my own," he replies.
"Your fourth year at law school," Daniel says in awe.
"Yes," Jeffrey states.
"If I recall correctly it was my first semester of college when my name appeared on the Deans list," Daniel says.
Jeffrey smiles politely at Daniel and pulls out matches from his pocket and reaches over to light the pipe Mr. Martin finally managed to pack. He looks back to Daniel "You must be very proud."
Daniel adjusts himself in his seat, but before he is able to answer back Mr. Martin decides to rejoin the conversation, "Now, Daniel where were we? Awe, yes. We will have all the signatures needed for the project to begin by Tuesday morning correct?"
At this moment Justine straightens up in her seat where she had been patiently sitting fanning her face while watching the ducks in the pond.
"Well gentlemen, that is my cue. Though I am truly fascinated by this conversation I must excuse myself. I think I will go for my afternoon ride."
All three men rise from their seats along with Justine.
"Of course dear, that's probably best," Mr. Martin smiles at her.
She leans over to give her father a kiss on the cheek. Justine leans in and gives Daniel a kiss on each cheek making eye contact with Jeffrey as she places her last one.
"I am sure I will be seeing you soon again Mr. Bates," she smiles up at him.
Daniel smiles and takes both of her hands into his kissing the top of each, "It was a pleasure as always Justine."
Justine turns towards Jeffrey and smiles and nods, "Mr. Oakes."
"Have a nice ride Miss Martin," he says.
"Now what a splendid idea." All eyes turn to Mr. Martin who is smiling with satisfaction.
"Justine, why not take Jeffrey with you on your ride. I am sure he would love to see the grounds once more. Plus, it is not quite his time for such business talk yet. Daniel and I still have some i's to dot and t's to cross on this merge."
Jeffrey chimes in confused, "But sir...." He tries desperately not to look in Daniel's direction whose eyes were cutting into him like a knife.
Justine also stands there a little aggravated with her father's proposal, "Father, really, I do not think Mr. Oakes wants to come on some childish ride with me?"
She smiles at Jeffrey batting her eyes trying to encourage him to deny the invitation.
"Nonsense darling daughter. If I remember correctly Jeffrey enjoys riding very much. Isn't that right my dear boy?" Mr. Martin asks.
Mr. Martin pats Jeffrey on the back in a comforting way, and with eye contact Jeffrey understood there was not another option. Mr. Martin wanted to be alone with Daniel.
"Um, yes, you are right sir. I wouldn't mind seeing the grounds again."
Not happy with the outcome of her plan, Justine gives Jeffrey a smirk.
Jeffrey just smiles back at her and replies to Mr. Martin, "I hope we will be talking later then Mr. Martin?"
Mr. Martin stretches out his hand to Jeffrey with satisfaction, "Yes, yes. I assure you that by the time you return all my attention will be yours."
They shake hands and Jeffrey turns towards Daniel stretching his hand across the table to him.
Daniel reaches out his hand this time to meet his own strength.
"Until we meet again," Daniel says.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

True Romance Cont'd...... Pg. 2

(I can't figure out how to organize my blog so the story stays in order, so good luck following along)
To recap- Jeffrey and Justine were just re-introduced, and dinner is ready to be served.....

Christine grabs a hold of Jeffrey's arm once more and they follow along with the guests into the dinning room, closely behind Mr. Martin and Justine.
Christine and Justine take their seats beside their father who stands at the head of the table with a wine glass in his hand waiting for the guests to find their seats and sit down. Jeffrey slips into the seat next to Christine glancing across the table at Justine whose eyes are fixed on her father.
Mr. Martin takes a sip of wine and then taps the glass lightly with his fork, "A toast please," tap tap tap, "I would like to make a toast."
The room is instantly quiet with all attention on Mr. Martin. "Gentlemen, ladies, friends. (pause) I am very grateful you could all join us this evening. We live in a most troubling time here in our new world. War, I am sure, is inevitable, though something I hope not to see during my lifetime. Daily this new world is changing and the only comfort I have is knowing that I have raised this beautiful woman that stands here beside me." He signals for Christine to stand up while the clapping begins. Christine blushes and smiles at her guests, it grows silent once again as Mr. Martin continues. "My oldest daughter Christine. After my wife died giving birth to Justine, God rest her soul, I realized there was no chance the Martin name would live on. But, God had already given me Christine, he already had a plan. Not only are we here tonight to celebrate Christine's graduation," the guests clap once more, "might I add at the top of her class, but I am ready to announce that she will begin her understudy at our Family business, Martin Granite, where one day she may be President. She ends one adventure and starts a new, beginning with her travel to New York. Christine, you are the daughter of every fathers dreams. Congratulations!" The guests all stand and clap enthusiastically, some are still in shock after hearing of Mr. Martins plans for his business. Mr. Martin exchanges a warm embrace with Christine and then join everyone in drinking to the toast.
The guests, and the Martins, sit back down around the long white clothed table, the middle lined with candles, fruit arrangements and fresh flowers. The maids rush in to serve the dinner.
Jeffrey sneaks one more glance towards Justine, who's emerald eyes glance back. But Jeffrey's view is soon blocked by Daniel Baits who has slid into the seat next to her. Daniel smiles at Jeffrey who pushes a smile back then shifts his eyes down at the plate being placed in front of him.

The night is coming to and end as the guests begin to retreat towards the door and say their goodbye's. Mr. Martin and his daughters are by the front door thanking the guests once more as they leave. Jeffrey steps aside watching others as they slip away into the night.
Finally his moment arrives. He approaches the three of them, stepping up beside Christine, "I am a little disappointed Miss Martin." Christine turns her head abruptly in Jeffrey's direction, her gaze softens as she recognizes it was him, "And why is that Mr. Oakes?" Jeffrey smiles, "It seems I have returned only in time for you to leave." Christine blushes slightly, "Well, I will return too. It was a pleasure seeing you again Jeffrey, welcome home."
Jeffrey smiles at her and then takes a step closer to Mr. Martin, "Now that you are home we must get together and discuss some business my boy. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"
"I believe I am sir."
Justine interrupts, "Father, do not forget we have a lunch date."
"Oh yes, yes, of course. Well, that will be fine. You will join us afterwards then Jeffrey. I will expect you at 2 pm."
"Ummm....yes sir. Actually, would the morning be more convenient?"
Mr. Martin extends his hand out to Jeffrey who accepts the handshake with a small smile.
"Two pm Sharp."
Jeffrey struggles to keep the smile on his face as he turns to face Justine. She smiles up at him. Jeffrey is then handed his hat by the butler, he puts it on and tips it towards Justine, "It was a pleasure seeing you again also Miss Martin."
He walks out and the door shuts behind him.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A True Romance

It is a warm spring evening in 1830 in Quincy Mass. The sky is lit with orange, red and blues as the sun descendes in east. A carriage appears clattering along a dirt road. Inside sits a young man starring out the window. He is Jeffrey Oakes and he has returned. The sunset is still indescribable, but what else will be the same he wonders. His dark almond eyes are lost in the view.
Jeffrey pulls a small note pad and pencil from his pocket and jots something down glancing from the scene back to his pad.
The clatter of the carriage grows louder as it turns off the main road and up a long paved driveway. A very large, very brightly lit grand colonial home awaits Jeffrey's arrival. As one carriage pulls away from the home another pulls up. Men guide their fancy dressed dates up the stairs and inside. There is a party happening here tonight.
Jeffrey's turn to exit the carriage approaches, he straightens his tie, tilts his hat and takes a deep breathe as the carriage door is opened. He steps out and gazes up at the oversized steps, large pillars and double oak doors in front of him. I remember these steps, he thinks to himself.
The carriage driver awakes him from his memories, "Good evening to you then sir," and tips his hat to Jeffrey.
Jeffrey turns to the scrawny carriage driver, flashes a smile and replies, "I truly hope it is," and tips his hat back.
He then turns and begins his trip up the steps. He reaches the top and without looking back knocks on the oversized door. Straightening his tie once more the door is opened and Jeffrey walks into the middle of the party.
With eyes wide Jeffrey glances around at the scenery. A butler appears behind him to shut the door and take Jeffrey's hat. Jeffrey straightens his tie once more and pats his hair down as he looks upon a couple of beautiful ladies that are gliding by. He smiles, a little bit more at ease with himself now as the ladies smile back at him.
Jeffrey continues to take the scene in. Stairs are to the right, crowded with young men and women dressed in their finest chit chatting. To the left is the entrance to the grand room where the piano can be slightly heard above all the voices. Guests crowd every inch it seems, laughing and sipping from their crystal wine glasses.
Maids move through out the crowd with trays full of appetizing o'durves (?). Jeffrey steals a bite sized sample as a tray glides by. I can only find food like this here he smiles to himself as the tastes explode in his mouth.
The aroma of the delicious food turns Jeffrey's attention to the right where the kitchen door swings open and Christine Martin walks out.
Jeffrey relaxes a little more now that he see's Christine's familiar face. He watches her as she smiles at the guests, they make room for her voluptuous body to pass. She makes small talk with a few young woman, directs a maid to the appropriate location, fixes the position of the vase on the center table. As she pushes her brilliant red curls off her shoulder she catches Jeffrey's eyes. A gasp of excitement escapes Christine as she floats over towards him.
"My goodness, is it really you Jeffrey Oakes," she asks as she approaches.
"Hello Mrs. Martin," Jeffrey replies.
Christine's cheeks appear flushed as she shifts her eyes away with a shy grin. She puches her curls off her shoulders once more revealing her ivory skin.
"Oh, come now Jeffrey. You are practically family, call me Christine."
As Jeffrey reaches to take her hand to lay a kiss upon, in a gentlman fashion, much to his surprise Christine leans in and they exchange an awkward embrace. Christine steps back, one hand still holding his arm and allows her eyes to look Jeffrey over.
"You are finally back home. Wait until Father sees you," She says as she wraps her arm through his and they begin to walk throughout the house. "You must tell me everything you've done, seen, I want to hear all about your school."
Jeffrey just smiles, "Well, there is not too much to brag about."
Christine giggles right as Mr. Martin interupts them, "Do my eyes decieve me or does this young man look like someone I once knew?"
Christine and Jeffrey turn around to meet a red cheeked, largly built older man with stunning blue eyes. Jeffrey's smile widens to reveal both of his dimples.
"Mr. Martin, sir," Jeffrey extends his hand out, "A pleasure to see you again sir."
Mr. Martin takes Jeffrey's hand in his firm grip and shakes it smiling.
"The pleasure is all mine dear boy, all mine."
"Boy, father really; I'd say he grew about 5 feet since we saw him last," Christine smiles, her arm still wraped with Jeffrey's, she reaches up to straighten his tie for him.
"It has been quite some time hasn't it," Mr. Martin says to Jeffrey. "I am interested to hear all about school. But first I think a congratulations is in order. I received a letter from the Dean, high honors, well done son, well done."
Jeffrey stands a little taller at these words, taking Mr. Martins hand once again, his own grip more firm and says, "Thank you sir."
"I suspect you received the last package I had sent to you?" Mr. Martin asks, releasing his hand.
"Yes sir. Thank you very much again sir," Jeffrey takes his arm out of Christines grip.
The three of them begin to slowly walk among the guests. Christine stops to chit chat a little with guests. Everyone makes room for Mr. Martin to pass, he smiles at them, nodding with approval.
Mr. Martin continues, "Well, I promised your father I would look out for you, and that is what I always intend to do."
Jeffrey walks a little behind Mr. Martin now, raising his voice to be heard over the crowd, "Thank you sir. I am much obliged for your help."
Mr. Martin stops walking and turns to Jeffrey, "Nonsense!" He says smiling, "Nonesense, you are like family my dear boy."
Mr. Martin wraps an arm around Jeffrey's shoulders.
Just then Daniel Bates approaches the two of them, Chrstine also cathces back up with them.
Daniel is not much taller than Jeffrey, but has broader shoulders, dark black hair slicked perfectly to the side, a freshly pressed, straight, tie.
Daniel's eyes look directly past Jeffrey, "Good evening Mr. Martin," he says extending out his hand. They shake and exchange smiles.
"Hello Daniel."
Daniel smiles at Christine, she nods, "Evening Daniel."
Before acknowledging Jeffrey Daniel is pulled aside by Mr. Martin. This gives Chrsitine another chance to talk with Jeffrey.
"So, Jeffrey, please tell me about your school? The wonderful adventures you've had, I cannot wait to begin my own...."
Christine trails off distracted by some guests and she quickly leaves Jeffrey's side to greet them.
Jeffrey did not want to talk about school, or his non-adventures anyways. He was glad to see her disappear back into the crowd, leaving him alone in the middle of this glorious room once again. Feeling like a stranger in a place he was told would be home. Jeffrey lets his eyes wander, watching people. A glimor of red catches Jeffrey's eyes as a few people part in front of him. Justine Martin appears, making her way through the crowd. Her beautiful red hair is arranged on top of her head revealing her deep ivory colored bare neck and shoulders. She smiles at everyone she passes, a thin silhouette against the crowd. Just like the sunset, the view is indiscribable.
Christine found her way back to Jeffrey's side, "Jeffrey? Jeffrey?"
It is hard, but Jeffrey turns his attention away and looks to Christine, "I am sorry Christine. What was it you were asking?"
In frustration Christine adjusts her gaze to where Jeffrey was looking. Justine has managed to steal Daniels attention also. Daniel watches her every move as she approaches him and Mr. Martin, kissing her father gentle on the cheek as he continues to gab on and on to Daniel. She smiles up at Daniel. Before Daniel can react Mr. Martin once again takes him even further to the side to continue their discussion. Justine continues on to where her sister Christine and Jeffrey stand.
"Good evening sister," she says. Christine just smiles.
"And I am sorry I do not believe we have met," she turns to Jeffrey. She extends her hand for Jeffrey to take and he does so, laying a soft kiss upon it.
"Jeffrey you must remember my younger sister Justine," Christine says.
Jeffrey cannot help but to get lost in Justine's emerald eyes, "Yes. I, I think I remember. You have really blossomed into a beautiful young woman Miss Martin."
Justin giggles, slipping her hand away from his, "Really? Well I'm not in full bloom yet," a few more giggles escape, "Thank you Mr. ??"
Jeffrey's face shines a bright red as he smiles at her.
Daniel Bates walks by the three of them, catching Justine's eye, as Mr. Martin approaches them, "This is young Jeffrey Oakes Justine. My dear belated friends son. He's come home for the summer. Why, you two used to chase each other out on that front lawn."
Justine locks eyes once more with Jeffrey, "Yes, I vaguely remember. You have been away for some time. Nice to see you again Mr. Oakes."
Jeffrey smiles at Justine, but before he can utter another word dinner is called and she turns to walk away with her arm wrapped with her father's.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Oscars, a dog and his boy......

The Oscars show was a huge disappointment. Whatever happened to the showmanship? I don't want to sit around and hear lame jokes about the contenders of the night. I want some action, I want some more entertainment than that. LAME. But Sandra Bullock winning was worth the wait. I am so proud of her; she totally deserves it. Again, after watching the Oscars I found myself talking into my toothbrush before bed, giving my acceptance speech! And WOW, our first female winner for Best Director! You go girl! All in all it was decent television, there were some lame moments as usual, and I never want to see Steve Martin or Alic Baldwin as hosts again!
A dog and his boy. I never understood the attachment one might have with their dog until I watched Carson and Sierra play together this weekend. There is a bond between them already, Carson belongs to Sierra. Carson tries to sit on her, he plays cars with her, he loves getting kisses from her. He never needs a bath again, I just push him towards Sierra for one. GROSS! but he loves it! Don't tell anyone, but I think Sierra is growing on me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have something to Blog about!

I have been saving some topics to talk about and finally think they are worthy enough to blog. As a lot of people know my family has recently added a dog to our equation. Now, being a person who never grew up around a dog, and whom has kinda always been afraid of dogs, and being someone who does not adapt to change well, this new addition to our family is adding a little bit of stress to our lives. Unlike my kitties, Sierra our new German Shepard puppy, needs our constant attention, and I mean constant. Because I am so worried about Sierra not getting enough attention, yesterday at one point I realized I hadn't paid any attention to my son! At some points I forgot Carson was even there! Besides being home with Sierra all day, I will give my husband a super dose of credit! He has woke every morning at 5 am to take Sierra for a walk; so Kudos to you Peter! And he came home for lunch to feed her and make sure she didn't have an accident. As much as I may not like all the new responsibility, my husband is a huge help, and as he should be, this is his dog. Eventually I know things will smooth out and Sierra will truly fit in as one of the family, and I will win the battle of the 'dog smell', and the cats and Sierra will be in love, and I'll just keep thinking positive like that and maybe it will come true :)
Next topic: catastrophic films. '2012'. I get it, the world is going to end, I will die trying to save the lives of those I love, it will be horrible and it will happen either by natural disasters, Aliens or a meteor. I get it. Now stop making these ridiculous films about it, lets move on. I hope the ratings for '2012' prove my point Hollywood. We get it, and the world is kinda depressed already we don't need another film to dig us deeper into our rut!